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Choose Your Subscription

Member Student

$15 $10 / Year
  • Free training and skilling
  • Program Provide business
  • Opportunity in Real Estate
  • Rera Service
  • Entrepreneur training

Member Individual

$25 $15 / Year
  • Free training and skilling
  • Program Provide business
  • Opportunity in Real Estate
  • Rera Service
  • Entrepreneur training
  • Investment training and skilling

Member Institutional

$120 $100 / Month
  • Free training and skilling
  • Program Provide business
  • Opportunity in Real Estate
  • Rera Service
  • Entrepreneur training
  • Investment training and skilling
  • Access to investment opportunities
  • Access to freelance are consultant for selling
  • Property Training and skilling for scaling and sustenance

Partner Member

$175 $150 / Month
  • Free training and skilling
  • Program Provide business
  • Opportunity in Real Estate
  • Rera Service
  • Entrepreneur training
  • Investment training and skilling
  • Access to investment opportunities
  • Property Training and skilling for scaling and sustenance
  • Access to real estate products ,services and investors
  • Knowledge and information